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Active Military Service (MS)
Active Military Service is a Completer Outcome (code: MS) that defines a student who completed the program and enlisted in a branch of the United States military for full-time active duty. The Completer Follow-Up Survey (Form PS-072A) must be kept on file and made available upon request by TWC. Additionally, a copy of the military orders for the Completer must be obtained and kept on file by the school.
All other Non-graduating Leaver
An All Other Non-graduating Leaver is a student that dropped out or withdrew from the program and did not transfer to or return to a program or was terminated by the school during the current reporting period. If a student dropped out during the reporting period and later returned to complete the same program during the same reporting period, the student should be counted as a Completer.
Note: This is a student who left for a reason other than transfer to another program, military, death, or incarceration.
Annual Enrollment
Annual Enrollment is the total number of students enrolled in the program at any time during the year reported.
Annual Enrollment and Student Outcomes Report
Annual Enrollment and Student Outcomes Report is an annual report required by all licensed career schools and colleges holding a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). These schools are required to submit the student enrollment and outcome information for courses approved by TWC by December 1 of each year.


Certification of the school's report is required in order to be submitted to Career Schools and Colleges (CSC). Only a school approved Director or designated Acting Director is allowed to certify the school's report. By certifying the report, this person is legally certifying that the information contained in the report is true and correct and that the person is aware of the information being submitted.
A completer is a student who completed a vocational training program during the reporting period of September 1 to August 31. The training program approved by TWC is intended to lead to an entry-level job and graduation (received a certificate of completion or degree) from the school during the reporting period.
Completer Outcome
The completer outcome is the status of a student who has completed a school's approved program. Various outcomes can apply, but only one can be assigned for each completer.
Completion Rate
Completion Rate is the number of students who graduated as a percentage of all students who left school, not counting those who left because they entered other post-secondary education program, the military, or incarceration; or died.
Current Reporting Period
The current reporting period is September 01, 2016 to August 31, 2017. The deadline to report for this reporting period is December 1, 2017.


Deceased (D) (Completer)
A Deceased (Completer) is a Completer Outcome (code: D) that defines a student who completed the program and then died. The Completer Follow-Up Survey (Form PS-072A) must be kept on file and made available upon request by TWC. Additionally, a copy of the Completer?s death certificate or death notice must be kept on file by the school.
Deceased (Leaver)
A Deceased (Leaver) is a student who was enrolled in a program but did not complete it AND died during the current reporting period.


Employment Rate
The employment rate is a calculation of the number of graduating students who were employed in an occupation for which they were trained by the program, as a percentage of all students who graduated from the program, not counting those who entered another post secondary education program or the military full-time, were incarcerated, or died. Employed students include both those that were actively assisted in obtaining their job by the school (Placed) and those that were not (Not Placed). By law, schools are required to maintain an employment rate of 60% or higher.


Incarcerated (I) (Completer)
An Incarcerated (Completer) is a Completer Outcome (code: I) that defines a student who completed the program and then was incarcerated (imprisoned). The Completer Follow-Up Survey (Form PS-072A) must be kept on file and made available upon request by TWC. Additionally, a copy of the arrest record, police report or booking/intake documentation for the Completer must be kept on file by the school.
Incarcerated (Leaver)
An Incarcerated (Leaver) is a student who has left the program during the current reporting period because they were incarcerated (imprisoned) and never returned to school during the current reporting period.


Leave for Active Military Service
A Leave for Active Military Service leaver is a student who was in the program during the current reporting period but then enlisted in a branch of the United States Military for full-time active duty during the current reporting period and never returned to the program during the current reporting period.


New Starts
New Starts are students who began the program for the first time at this school during the current reporting period.
Not Placed (NP) (Completer)
A Not Placed (Completer) is a Completer Outcome (code: NP) that defines a student who completed the program and obtained gainful employment related to the training received without the active effort or assistance of the school.


Other (O) (Completer)
An Other (O) (Completer) is a Completer Outcome (code: O) that defines a student who completed the program and is:
  • Gainfully employed in job other than one in which training was received, or
  • Currently not gainfully employed and not seeking employment, or
  • Currently not gainfully employed and actively seeking employment, or
  • Student employment status is unknown


Placed (P) (Completer)
A Placed (P) (Completer) is a Completer Outcome (code: P) that defines a student who completed the program and was actively assisted in obtaining gainful employment related to the training received. Actively assisted means the school arranged an interview, contacted potential employers, and/or brought potential employers to the school) to assist the Completer become gainfully employed.
Post Secondary Education (PE)
Post Secondary Education is a Completer Outcome (code: PE) that defines a student who completed the program and continued their education on a full-time basis at an accredited institution of higher education. The Completer Follow-Up Survey (Form PS-072A) must be kept on file and made available upon request by TWC.
Program Enrollment
Program Enrollment is the status of students enrolled in a program during the current reporting period. Program enrollment includes leaver and completer information.
Form PS-072A is the Completer Follow-Up Survey for Vocational Programs (PS-072A). A PS-072A must be completed and kept on file at your school for each student who graduated from a vocational training program during the reporting period. These completed forms provide evidence to support what you report to TWC as the post-graduation outcomes for each graduate. In particular, they allow your school to substantiate that a graduating student was employed with an identifiable employer in a job in the field for which they were trained. The forms must be kept on file, are subject to audit, and must be provided to TWC upon request. Failure to back up reported employment results with PS-072A forms on file at the school could lead to corrective action.


A student counted as a Re-entry is a student who withdrew from the program prior to the beginning of the current reporting period (September 1) and have re-enrolled (re-entered) the program during the current reporting period.
Reporting Period
The Reporting Period is the period of time in which a licensed career school is required to report on the student's enrollment and employment outcome. The reporting period is September 1 to August 31 of each year.


School Number
The School Number is the unique number assigned to each TWC approved school. The format for this number is a letter followed by four numbers. Example: S1234.
Students reported as enrolled at the end of last reporting period
Students reported as enrolled at the end of last reporting period is the number of students still enrolled in the program prior to the beginning of the current reporting period. This number must be the same number as the number of Students Still Enrolled at End of this Reporting Period for the program in last year's Enrollment and Outcome Report, if your school was open during the previous year's reporting period and you submitted a report for that period. If there is a discrepancy, you must explain this in the space provided for this response.
Students Still Enrolled at End of this Reporting Period
The Students Still Enrolled at End of this Reporting Period is the number of students reported in the current reporting period as still enrolled at end. Students will possibly continue with program next year.
Students still enrolled in the program at the end of the previous reporting period (carry-over from last year)
The students still enrolled in the program at the end of the previous reporting period (carry-over from last year) is actual number of students continuing from last year.


Total Completers
The Total Completers is the sum of all completers entered and/or uploaded. The sum equals the number of completers found on Completer List page.
Total Enrolled (Programs)
The Total Enrolled (Programs) is the sum of all categories of students enrolled during the current reporting period. This number will be auto-calculated by the system:
Total Enrolled (Programs) =
    Students still enrolled in the program at the end of the previous reporting period (carry-over from last year)
    + New Starts
    + Re-entries
    + Transfers from another program
Total Enrolled (Seminars)
The Total Enrolled (Seminars) is the total number of students who attended a seminar during the current reporting period. This includes students who dropped out before completing a seminar, those who completed a seminar, and those who were still attending a seminar as of August 31. If a student attended more than one seminar, include them in the enrollment number for each individual seminar. If you do not have actual numbers for total enrollment in each of your seminars during the reporting period, you may estimate the total enrollment for each seminar.
Total Leavers
The Total Leavers is the sum of all categories of student leavers during the current reporting period. This number will by auto-calculated by the system:
Total Leavers =
    Transfers to another program (Leaver)
    + Leave for Active Military Service
    + Incarcerated (Leaver)
    + Deceased (Leaver)
    + All other Non-graduating Leaver
Transfers from another program
A Transfers from another program enrollee is a student that transferred in from another program at the school during the current reporting period.
Transfers to another program (Leaver)
A Transfers to another program (Leaver) is a student that transferred out of the program and into another program at the school during the current reporting period.

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